업데이트 날짜 : 2024.04.24
2023년 ‘한국주얼리’ 시장(전체)의 규모는 7조 7,315억 원으로 추정되며, 전년 대비 -6.1% 감소한 것으로 나타났다.
The size of Korea jewelry market in 2023 is estimated to be 7.7 trillion won, a decrease of 6.1% compared to the previous year.
‘국산주얼리’ 시장의 규모는 5조 2,569억 원으로 추정되며, 전년 대비 -11.4% 감소한 것으로 나타났다.
The size of the domestic produced jewelry market is estimated to be 5.3trillion won, a decrease of 11.4% compared to the previous year.
‘수입주얼리’ 시장의 규모는 2조 4,746억 원으로 추정되며, 전년 대비 +7.7% 증가한 것으로 나타났다.
The size of the imported jewelry market is estimated to be 2.5 trillion won, an increase of 7.7% compared to the previous year.
‘비예물주얼리’ 시장은 4조 6,426억 원으로 전년 대비 -11.6% 감소했다.(일반 -15.9% 감소 / 패션 +24.7% 증가)
The size of the ‘Non-wedding Jewelry’ market is estimated to be 4.6 trillion won, a decrease of 11.6% compared to the previous year.(‘General Jewelry’ decreased by 15.9% / ‘Fashion Jewelry’ market increased by 24.7%)
‘예물주얼리’ 시장은 6,143억 원으로 전년 대비 -9.7% 감소했다. (다이아몬드예물 -19.1% 감소 / 다이아몬드외예물 +0.6% 증가)
The size of the ‘Wedding Jewelry’ market is estimated to be 614.3 billion won, a decrease of 9.7% compared to the previous year. (‘Including Diamonds’ decreased by 19.1% / ‘Excluding Diamonds’ market increased by 0.6%)
‘비예물주얼리’ 시장은 ‘일반주얼리’ 시장(3조 9,491억 원)과 ‘패션주얼리’ 시장(6,935억 원)으로 분류한다.
The ‘Non-wedding Jewelry’ market is divided into the ‘General Jewelry’(estimated size of 3.9 trillion) and the ‘Fashion Jewelry’ market(estimated size of 693.5 billion).
‘예물주얼리’ 시장은 ‘다이아몬드예물주얼리’ 시장(2,856억 원)’과 ‘다이아몬드외예물’ 시장(3,287억 원) 으로 분류한다.
The ‘Wedding Jewelry‘ market is divided into the ‘Wedding Jewelry including Diamonds’(estimated size of 285.6 billion)and the ‘Jewelry excluding Diamonds’ market(estimated size of 328.7 billion).
<참고 사항 Notes>