업데이트 날짜 : 2024.04.05
2022년 국내 주얼리 관련 사업체수는 총 16,783개로 전년대비 1.0% 감소한 것으로 나타났다.
In 2022, the number of jewelry-related businesses in Korea was 16,783, a decrease of 1.0% compared to the previous year
제조업 사업체수는 2,472개로 전년대비 1.2% 증가했다.
The number of manufacturing businesses was 2,472, an increase of 1.2% compared to the previous year.
도매업 사업체수는 2,656개로 전년대비 2.6% 감소했다.
The number of wholesale businesses was 2,656, a decrease of 2.6% compared to the previous year.
소매업 사업체수는 11,655개로 전년대비 1.0% 감소했다.
The number of retail businesses was 11,655, a decrease of 1.0% compared to the previous year.
2022년 국내 주얼리 관련 종사자수는 총 33,064명으로 전년대비 0.3% 감소한 것으로 나타났다.
In 2022, the number of jewelry-related employees in Korea was 33,064, a decrease of 0.3% compared to the previous year.
제조업 종사자수는 7,354명으로 전년대비 1.4% 증가했다.
The number of manufacturing employees was 7,354, an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year.
도매업 종사자수는 6,176명으로 전년대비 3.4% 감소했다.
The number of wholesale employees was 6,176, a decrease of 3.4% compared to the previous year.
소매업 종사자수는 19,534명으로 전년대비 0.03% 증가했다.
The number of retail employees was 19,534, an increase of 0.03% compared to the previous year.